Tuesday, February 07, 2006

Petty Gloating

In a nice attempt to enjoy some schadenfreude, the MEBA Official website now contains a link to the Second Superseding Indictment Against AMO Officials.

45 pages of joy to read.

How completely un-impressive! How childish! Davis should post the details of the two lawsuits in the Interlake saga that the AMO won as these are more germane and of should be of far greater concern to the Members. But he prefers to keep this information away from Members. No wonder. Members for example, might find out that Messrs. Joseph and Kelly were being paid a lot more than Davis let on.

When Davis came out with his ridiculous report detailing the bogus DEC investigation into the election irregularities of 2004 the report was 30 pages of tripe, but at least Davis did not wish to impose upon the Members to read it and so gave a short summary upon which the Members could vote to turn down a re-run of the election.

But when there's something to gloat about he expects Members to plow though 45 pages of juicy details on the "Bad Guys". So go ahead and read all about it. And please forget that Davis is putting your retirement on the line while you rub your hands together and salivate over the fate that awaits the McKay Brothers in the event they are found guilty.


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