Da Troot!
".....the Telex Times tells the whole truth and nothing but the truth!"
And another week goes by without news of the MEBA's latest appearance in court or any info about the Trustees Meeting.
Obviously posting some golf scores so that the ordinary MEBA member may know just how skilled their Officials are at the really important things could be embarrassing at best and may give some the wrong impression about what Officials do when vacationing on the Union dime.
Also to leave the words "So help me God" out of the preamble was smart. After all, bearing false witness as well as blasphemy is a ticket to hell for sure.
So, the results of the recent court appearance in Wareham Massachessets proves that MEBA Union Officials still lead charmed lives. Of course having 4 of 5 witnesses not show up helps. And then there's the convincing character witnesses of other Union Officials who spared no expense (they can afford it, it's not their money) to be there to help a fellow traveler in his hour of need.
The DoL is saved the trouble of defrocking a Union Official, and the MEBA's vaunted reputation is none the worse off. Especially since this reputation has already reached the sediment level in the settling pond.
Now we can continue to pretend for a little while longer.
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