I know I am not the only one who has been basically ignored by the current fools on the hill. Very frustrating to say the least. One could reason that since much of what they say cannot be trusted, they in turn must feel they cannot trust us not to modify any statement that they make through editing any e-mail that they would send out to active members or retirees seeking answers to the most basic of questions.
I believe Mike Jewell in his campaign in 04 had an interesting idea called "Mondays with Mike"
""If elected your President, I will create “Monday’s With Mike” where you can reach me directly in person or by phone with your questions or concerns.
We can work together to meet any challenge. I will not make promises to you that I cannot keep. I expect you to hold me accountable to that.""
He was going to make himself available to answer and respond to any and all questions submitted to him. Honesty and integrity will always prove the
best path to follow.
The following is an example of the lack or response or even common courtesy from current Union Administration.
Below sent 3-29 as a follow up to to original sent 3-15
Ron Davis
President MEBA
Allen Szcymczak
Plan Administrator
I am resubmitting this request from two weeks ago. Obviously all of you must be very busy men to have not responded. It took me all of 60 seconds to open e-mail, hit reply, answer questions with a simple yes-no answer and
then hit send. Yes you must be very busy men indeed.
-----Original Message-----
From: wff
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2006 7:04 AM
'Mary Gibson'
Subject: Medical Plan Questionnaire
Ran Davis
President MEBA
Allen Szcymczak
Plan Administrator
Re: Medical Plan
A few simple questions that I would like answered as there are
many rumors and confusion being spread through the ranks of retirees and active
participants of the Medical Plan:
1. Are retirees that dropped out of Plan following actions taken at
October 05 Trustees Meeting being allowed to opt back into Plan followingctions at February Trustees Meeting?
2. Are retirees with dependents being allowed to drop dependent coverage as their individual circumstances dictate?
3. Is there going to be a 1.5% assessment on base wages for active member participants in the Medical Plan?
4. If there is a 1.5% assessment will it also apply to the non member participants in the Medical Plan?
As I am sending this request to multiple recepients I am hoping that at least one of you would have the time to respond to these important
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